Surgery for breast cancer

Surgery is the primary form of treatment for breast cancer. Virtually all patients will need to have the cancer surgically removed at some point during their treatment. Surgery may be done for several reasons and depends on the situation. Hoag Breast Program performs several types of surgeries, including:

  • Lumpectomy, or breast-conserving surgery, is the surgical removal of the part of the breast containing the cancer as well as some surrounding healthy tissue. This procedure is often performed on patients with early stage breast cancer, whose tumor is small or localized.
  • Mastectomy is the surgical removal of the entire breast, including the tumor and all or most of the surrounding breast tissue. Hoag also offers skin and nipple-sparing mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. Mastectomy may be more suitable for women who have larger tumors relative to breast size or when there are multiple tumor sites within the breast. Mastectomy is also a consideration for women with genetic mutations of the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes, for treatment and/or prevention of breast cancer.
  • Oncoplastic Surgery combines oncologic and plastic surgical techniques in the same procedure to simultaneously remove the tumor and restructure the breast(s). Hoag’s expert team of surgeons go beyond the traditional notion of oncoplastic surgery using specialized surgical techniques to provide superior clinical treatment and cosmetic outcomes. We are the leading institution in oncoplastic breast reconstruction and our re-excision rate for clear surgical margins is significantly lower than the national average.
  • Reconstruction: we have the full complement of reconstructive techniques available including oncoplastic surgery, implant-based reconstruction, autologous fat transfer and autologous microsurgical reconstruction. We also offer nipple-areola sparing mastectomies with discreet scars and use advanced techniques with breast implants, tissue expanders and acellular dermal matrix, to create additional support and protection.

It is recommended to schedule a consultation with a breast surgeon to discuss what surgical option is best for you given your diagnosis and desired outcomes.