Health Risk Assessments

  • Acid Reflex Risk Assessment

    Also known as gastroesophageal disease (GERD), Acid Reflux is a common condition among Americans. It is correlated with many major chronic diseases. Take this evidence-based assessment to help understand your symptoms and see if treatment is needed.

  • Back and Neck Pain

    Eight out of every ten people experience serious neck or back pain at some point in their lives, often with a severe impact on their quality of life. Our evidence-based assessment addresses spine function, pain severity, and other nerve-related symptoms.

  • Breast Cancer Risk Assessment

    Early diagnosis is the key to successful treatment for breast cancer. Our evidence-based assessment estimates womens’ 5-year and lifetime risk of breast cancer based on lifestyle, genetics, and personal health factors.

  • Colorectal Cancer Risk Assessment

    The risk of Colorectal cancer increases with age. Our evidence-based assessment estimates your lifetime risk for colorectal cancer based on your lifestyle, genetics, and personal health histories.

  • Diabetes Risk Assessment

    One out of every twelve American adults has diabetes. By taking our evidence-based assessment, you can discover your current and 8-year risk for developing type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

  • Heart Health Assessment

    Our evidence-based assessment calculates your 10- and 30-year risks of developing cardiovascular disease. It also calculates a novel “heart age,” which contrasts an your risk level to the risk level of someone of the same age and gender with all other risk factors at the average level.

  • Lung Cancer Risk Assessment

    Early detection and treatment of lung cancer is incredibly important. This evidence-based assessment looks at smoking history, lifestyle, genetics, and personal health histories to calculate your risk level.

  • Peripheral Artery Disease Risk Assessment

    Symptoms of PAD are often mistaken and the condition is difficult to diagnose. Take this evidence-based assessment to estimate your quantifiable risk of PAD based on health and lifestyle questions for actionable next steps.

  • Prostate Cancer Risk Assessment

    Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in American men, behind only lung cancer. Our evidence-based assessment calculates your current risks and high-grade risks of prostate cancer.

  • Sleep Apnea Assessment

    Sleep apnea prevents one-fifth of adults from getting a sound night’s rest, and Over time, it can significantly impact quality of life if undiagnosed. Take this assessment and take back control.

  • Stroke Risk Assessment

    In the United States, stroke is the number five cause of death and the leading cause of serious long-term disability. Our assessment estimates your 10-year risk of having a stroke and provides personal feedback on managing controllable risk factors.

  • Weight Loss Surgery Assessment

    Seventy percent of U.S. adults are overweight or obese, which can contribute to numerous serious health issues over time. Our evidence-based assessment calculates your weight category (BMI) to determine if weight-loss surgery and/or weight loss may be recommended for you.