Oncoplastic Surgery

Oncoplastic breast surgery combines two disciplines: oncologic breast surgery and plastic surgery. In the past, oncologic lumpectomy was often deforming. But by combining oncologic and plastic surgery during the same procedure, it is possible to remove the tumor and to often make the patient look better than before. Hoag is the leader in oncoplastic breast-conserving surgery in the United States led by Dr. Melvin Silverstein, Gross Family Foundation Endowed Chair in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery and the pioneer of oncoplastic breast surgery.

Oncoplastic surgery not only removes the cancer, it also prevents undue distortion of the breast, helping to maintain an aesthetically pleasing breast after all of the treatment for cancer is complete. Hoag’s expert breast surgeons have a variety of techniques available when performing oncoplastic surgery and will ensure the option you choose leads to an attractive cosmetic result and complete removal of the cancer.

The benefits of oncoplastic surgery include:

  1. Oncoplastic surgery allows for the breast to be conserved while eliminating the defect often left in the breast during standard lumpectomy.
  2. Surgery is often done in an outpatient setting and most patients can go home the same day. Recovery is usually only a couple of weeks, compared to several months with mastectomy and reconstruction.
  3. Oncoplastic surgery combined with breast radiation yields survival rates equal to that of mastectomy.
  4. The goal is to go to the operating room one time, completely remove the cancer, and get an excellent cosmetic result.

Overall, breast conservation using oncoplastic surgery produces a better quality of life and increased satisfaction for breast cancer patients.

Hoag Breast Program is one of a few programs nationwide to perform oncoplastic surgery and our re-excision rate for clear surgical margins with oncoplastic surgery is significantly lower than the national average. We encourage women to seek a second opinion to see if oncoplastic surgery is right for them. For more information or to schedule a consultation with one of our specialized breast surgeons, please contact us at 949-764-5780.