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Carve out “me time” to avoid the holidays blues

?You’re crammed into a corner of a table set for 14 but built for 10. The pie is warm; your irritable cousin’s glare is cold. Your kids are fidgety, and you are exhausted. Happy Holidays! As chief of psychiatry liaison services at Hoag Hospital, I can’t stop your aunt from inciting an ugly political debate … Read More

Executive Health

Healthy Commuting

The Health Effects on Employees That Commute and How to Make Healthier Commuting Decisions Every business day, the average American commuter spends at least 25 minutes in their car, each way. Instead of spending time with their family, exercising or preparing a healthy meal, we are spending time sitting and slouched over a steering wheel. … Read More

Executive Health

National Diabetes Awareness Month

Education is Key in Preventing and Managing this Life-Altering Disease More than eight percent of Americans have some form of diabetes. Of these 25.8 million individuals, seven million are undiagnosed and an additional 79 million people are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. With these staggering numbers, it is important to both understand and … Read More

Heart & Vascular

Introducing the new Jeffrey M. Carlton Heart & Vascular Institute

The new facility has been designed to provide the highest level of patient comfort, safety and clinical outcomes. Hoag is pleased to announce the completion of a newly remodeled south entrance lobby, which will be the single entry point for all Hoag cardiac services. With this new 34,650 square foot state-of-the-art facility completed, coupled with … Read More


There is a fungus among us

?”I’ve seen the needle and the damage done,” sang Neil Young in his ’60s anthem about drug abuse. Steroid injections by doctors for back pain don’t compare to the destructive types of pain relief used by junkies, but as the above lyric went on, “a little bit of it in everyone.” As I have previously … Read More

Executive Health

The Hoag Executive Health Experience

Rob Reindl recently celebrated his 58th birthday. “Because of this,” Reindl says with a chuckle on his birthday, “I feel like I just turned 27.” The corporate vice president in charge of human resources at Edwards Lifesciences from 1997 until 2012, wasn’t referring to some miracle potion; rather, he was talking about his experience at … Read More

Executive Health

Recognizing Memory Loss

Does it seem like you’re always looking for your keys when you walk out the door? Are you repeating yourself during conversations or can’t remember small details? Are you concerned that your memory is getting worse? A certain amount of memory decline is to be expected as our brains age but when should you be … Read More

Executive Health

Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the Workplace

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and you may begin to notice pink adorning vehicles, parks and businesses. Thousands of Americans participate in some sort of breast cancer awareness campaign during the month of October, whether it’s a walk sponsored by the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure or other non-profit organization, displaying pink … Read More


Doctor's own tumor led him to take up scalpel

Irvine — Dr. Robert Pettis asks for a scalpel. “”OK. Starting.”” Lying before him in an operating room at Hoag Hospital Irvine is a 71-year-old woman with a cancerous thyroid. Pettis, 46, begins to remove the entire shield-shaped gland from the woman’s throat. Though common, thyroidectomies require surgical precision and patience. Surgeons must carve around … Read More

Executive Health

Stress and Memory

Many employees perform well under pressure, but chronic stress can have a negative effect on the brain’s ability to store or access memories. The World Health Organization estimates excessive stress costs American businesses up to $300 billion each year with as many as 66 percent of workers reporting difficulty focusing on tasks at work due … Read More