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Two Blonds: What's that smell

Body odor. It’s an important beauty topic that, sadly, gets little attention. So Two Blonds, having a nose for adventure, consulted two doctors, visited the drugstore and sniffed out what you need to know about three key odor-producing areas of your body. We stuck to over-the-counter products. Such treatments as Botox and prescription meds are … Read More


When weekend activity becomes a real pain in the back

Most Monday mornings we get a call from someone in his 40s or 50s who threw out his back. Either he was competing in an obstacle course with old college buddies, or a 5K with younger co-workers. Or maybe, he injured himself doing a mud run with his kids. Whatever it was that sounded like … Read More


Family project aims to spread feelings of hope in a time of fear

When cancer struck the Sweet family, they didn’t turn bitter – instead, they started a project that lives up to their name: “sweet rocks from the Sweet girls,” said Debbie, mother of Sarah and Katie Sweet. The palm-sized, multicolored stones, painted with inspirational words like “love” and “hope,” are the result of a summer project … Read More

Executive Health

Nutrition 101

Any discussion of nutrition is sure to include the word Calorie. We know that food consists of Calories, and that we eat less Calories when we want to lose weight and more when we want to gain weight. But do if someone asked you what a Calorie actually is, could you define it? Believe it … Read More

Executive Health

Understanding Cholesterol

Cholesterol is one of the most recognized and most misunderstood blood tests available. A high blood level of cholesterol can unnecessarily create fear while a “normal” blood level can make one wrongly feel safe. Let’s take a look at the real story behind cholesterol. Cholesterol is necessary for life. Without it your cell membranes would … Read More


Newport Resident 'Feels Like a New Person' After Hoag Spinal Procedure

?Newport Beach resident Edna Zitko suffered from neck pain and numbness for several years, but a new procedure at Hoag Hospital has left her feeling like “a new person.” Zitko, 44, was the first Hoag patient to undergo a newly approved alternative to cervical spinal fusion. Zitko said she dealt with severe chronic neck pain … Read More

Heart & Vascular

You have a heart — care for it

?If you are active, eat well and never take a sick day, heart disease might be the furthest thing from your mind. But heart disease is the No. 1 killer of both men and women in the country, which means that you – yes you – should take a few moments to think about your heart. People … Read More


Women's deaths from painkillers 'an epidemic'

In July, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made a startling announcement: “Women are dying from prescription painkiller overdoses at rates never seen before.” That was followed by a number of staggering statistics, including this one: From 1999 to 2010, there was a 400 percent increase in these deaths among women. Four hundred percent? … Read More


Sunscreen is a great tool, but clothes are the best shield against burns and cancer

I’m not the type of dermatologist who will tell you to stay out of the sun. As an avid surfer and gardener, I would be a hypocrite to suggest you should waste all this gorgeous weather by spending your summer indoors. If you fear the sun, move to Seattle. But if you regularly take advantage … Read More

Executive Health

Diabetes and Prediabetes – What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

What is Prediabetes? Type 2 diabetes is a serious medical condition in which a build up of glucose in the body which can damage tiny blood vessels in the heart, kidneys, eyes, and nervous system. In healthy people the body produces insulin to help cells use the glucose found in food. In diabetics either the … Read More