Acupuncture & Cupping


The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture’s effectiveness for more than 40 common medical conditions. Acupuncture has helped hundreds of individuals at our center to overcome conditions such as menopause symptoms, cancer treatments including chemotherapy, interstitial cystitis, painful intercourse, IBS and fibromyalgia. Acupuncture is proven to relieve stress and improve sleep, depression and anxiety.

Cupping may help reduce muscle pain and fatigue and improve immune function.

  • Acupuncture or cupping evaluation: $210
  • Acupuncture follow-up, 1 hour: $150
  • Cupping follow-up, 30 minutes: $60
Women’s Health Specialists

Meet the Acupuncture and Cupping Team 

Contact Us

To schedule an appointment please call 949-764-7239 or email

** Superbills for acupuncture can be provided upon request.