Cancer Health Risk Assessments

Knowing and understanding your estimated risks of developing certain diseases can help you take control of your health and get treatment earlier. By taking one of our free online health risk assessments, we can help you determine the right level of care.

  • Breast Cancer Risk Assessment

    Early diagnosis is the key to successful treatment for breast cancer. Our evidence-based assessment estimates women's 5-year and lifetime risk of breast cancer based on lifestyle, genetics, and personal health factors.

    Take The Assessment

  • Colorectal Cancer Assessment

    The risk of Colorectal cancer increases with age. Our evidence-based assessment estimates your lifetime risk for colorectal cancer based on your lifestyle, genetics, and personal health histories.

    Take The Assessment

  • Lung Cancer Assessment

    Early detection and treatment of lung cancer is incredibly important. This evidence-based assessment looks at smoking history, lifestyle, genetics, and personal health histories to calculate your risk level.

    Take The Assessment

  • Prostate Cancer Assessment

    Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in American men, behind only lung cancer. Our evidence-based assessment calculates your current risks and high-grade risks of prostate cancer.

    Take The Assessment

More Risk Assessments

See a full list of health assessment tools available through Hoag.

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