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Diabetes Center

The Warmington family turns a diagnosis into an opportunity to support pediatric care

A little more than a year ago, as a new school year approached, excited soon-to-be kindergartener, Charlotte Warmington, visited her doctor for routine immunizations, to which she had some seemingly insignificant reactions. However, these minor side effects to her shots were soon followed by a variety of a larger issues including leg pain, fainting at … Read More

Diabetes Center

Do you have Diabetes?

What is diabetes? Diabetes is a disease caused by high blood sugar, and sugar is in many of the foods we must eat to survive. After food is consumed, our body takes its nutrients and breaks it down into carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Carbohydrates turn into sugar that is then used as energy for our … Read More

Women's Health

Talking about pelvic problems is the first step

If you’re experiencing pelvic floor problems such as involuntary loss of urine or pain in your delicate areas, you’re not alone. Women don’t want to talk about incontinence or pain, but if you’ve worked up the courage to talk to someone about it, the odds are you’ve probably heard the phrase, “Just do your Kegels.” … Read More

Breast Program

A Custom Fit

Dr. Lisa Guerra was featured on the Los Angeles Times and explains how the focus of breast cancer treatment has evolved and can now be tailored to each patient’s diagnoses and circumstances. 

Diabetes Center

Passion with a purpose

When Dick and Mary Allen’s granddaughter, Hannah, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of 2, it altered the course of their lives. Knowing the gravity of the condition, the Allens committed to learning everything they could about the disease and what would be needed to care for Hannah. Most importantly, they also … Read More

Women's Health

Hoag Breast Center Honored for Excellence

Newport Beach’s Hoag Breast Center was recently recognized as a “Certified Quality Breast Center of Excellence,” and is encouraging the community to be proactive during Breast Cancer Awareness Month by partaking in local events, the hospital announced Wednesday. Hoag Breast Center’s recognition was made by the National Quality Measures for Breast Center Program, an internet … Read More


Hoag Unveils New Surgical Robot

Hoag Family Cancer Institute introduced a new surgical robot to community members last month, which is used during minimally invasive procedures. The daVinci robot was unveiled at an event in September, to coincide with Prostate Awareness Month. According to hospital officials, the daVinci robot is used for a variety of minimally invasive surgical procedures including … Read More

Executive Health

Chia Seeds

Did you know that there’s a super food with the following qualities (in a 3 oz serving):as much omega-3 as 28 oz of salmon as much calcium as 3 cups of milk as much fiber as 1 cup of All-bran as much iron as 5 cups of spinach as much vegetable protein as 1 cup … Read More

Executive Health

Breast Cancer 101

Knowledge is power; especially when it comes to your health. Understanding your risk factors for common conditions and diseases is one way to play an active role in keeping yourself healthy and vibrant. Breast cancer is one of those common conditions that will undoubtedly touch someone in your life, possibly even you[1]. Awareness about breast … Read More


Hoag Endowment Recognizes Work of Institute's Director

An endowment by Ron & Sandi Simon recognized the work of Dr. Michael Brant-Zawadzki in building a world-class neuroscience institute that serves the entire Southern California region. The endowment chair investiture ceremony at the Hoag Neuroscience Institute on Sept. 24 honored the donors and the physician. Five years ago, Dr. Brant-Zawadzki became the first executive … Read More