Sleep Apnea FAQ

My snoring disrupts my bed partner’s sleep. What can I do about it?

Snoring is relatively common, particularly in men who are middle-aged or older, but it can occur at all ages and in both sexes. Snoring implies that the upper airway is narrowed, and that the soft tissues are vibrating, making the sound. The treatment of snoring is determined by identifying the cause.

The major concern is whether this snoring is indicative of breathing problems during sleep, such as Obstructive Sleep Apnea, in which the airway collapses during sleep, blocking air from reaching the lungs. This might be noted as pauses in the snoring sound, sometimes associated with choking episodes during sleep. These individuals are often very sleepy during the day because of the poor quality of sleep.

Factors which can contribute to snoring include nasal and/or sinus congestion, use of sedative medications or alcohol near bedtime, and being overweight. Changing these factors can improve snoring in many people, but are sometimes not sufficient to bring satisfactory results. Severe snoring can sometimes benefit from upper airway surgery.

Sleep apnea can have serious effects on cardiac function. warning sound. If you or your bed partner notice any of the above findings, ask your physician about evaluating this at the Hoag Sleep Health Program. Effective treatments are available.