Neuroendocrine Tumor Treatments

When it comes to neuroendocrine tumors and other gastrointestinal conditions, expert evaluation is vital to accurately diagnose and determine the best course of treatment for the individual patient.

At Hoag, our multidisciplinary team of experts includes academic-level hepatobiliary/pancreatic surgeons, medical oncologists, hepatologists and radiologists who work together to thoroughly review and determine the best treatment option suited to each individual patient. This emphasis on a collaborative, comprehensive approach to patient-centered care is why Hoag patient outcomes rank are among the nation’s best.

Treatment Options for Functioning and Non-Functioning Neuroendocrine Tumors

The treatment approach is the same for both functioning and non-functioning neuroendocrine tumors. NETs are often viewed as a chronic disease when more than one lesion is discovered during the diagnosis phase. NETs are often debulked such that greater than 90 percent of the disease is removed. Because these tumors are so slow-growing, often several years pass before another debulking surgery is required.

Hoag’s approach is to remove these tumors via a minimally invasive laparoscopic procedure, as often as possible. An open procedure is usually necessary in patients who have metastases, very large tumors (greater than 10 centimeters), or if there is invasion of the major blood vessels.

Some of the advanced surgical options for removal of non-functioning islet cell tumors of the pancreas include:

  • Enucleation pf PNET is a surgical procedure that carefully removes islet cell tumors without removing any pancreatic tissue. Hoag-USC surgeons have developed a laparoscopic technique for enucleation of pancreatic islet cell tumors, which provides a number of benefits to patients including a faster recovery and return to daily activities.
  • Laparoscopic/Robotic-Assisted Pancreatectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure where the body and tail of the pancreas is removed along with the spleen. However, Hoag-USC Surgical Center for Digestive Diseases routinely provides laparoscopic spleen-preserving pancreatectomy for patients with cystic tumors, neuroendocrine tumors and adenocarcinoma of the body and tail of the pancreas.
  • Central Pancreatectomy may be recommended for patients who have low-grade malignant or benign tumors in the neck of the pancreas. Removal of tumors in this area often requires removing a large portion of the pancreas. However, the experts at Hoag-USC Surgical Center for Digestive Diseases offer a highly specialized surgical procedure that removes only the tumorous portion of the neck of the pancreas, thereby preserving the head, body and tail of the pancreas.
  • The Whipple Operation involves resection (removal) of the head of the pancreas, a portion of the bile duct, the gallbladder and the duodenum. Occasionally, a portion of the stomach may also be removed. The Whipple Operation is often used to treat patients with adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, although it may be recommended for some patients with benign disorders such as chronic pancreatitis and benign tumors of the head of the pancreas. Laparoscopic Whipple is offered to patients with small confined tumors.

Expert Care You Can Trust!

Hoag continues to lead the way in complex GI care, providing access to a highly specialized surgical team that works collaboratively with Hoag-affiliated thoracic surgeons, gastroenterologists and medical oncology specialists to provide academic-level care. Hoag’s commitment to accurate diagnosis, combined with progressive therapeutic options enables Hoag patients to achieve some of the highest clinical outcomes in the nation.

To schedule a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation, or a second-opinion consultation with a Hoag gastroesophageal expert, call us at: 888-566-9712.