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Digestive Health

Crohn’s Patient – and New Mom – Puts Her Trust in Hoag

Teddi Lamons' inspiring journey to motherhood amidst her battle with severe ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease highlights the exceptional, patient-centered care at Hoag’s Digestive Health Institute. Guided by Dr. Hwang and Dr. Raskin, Teddi navigated her complex health challenges to safely welcome her daughter, Florence 'Flossie' Lamons, into the world. This heartfelt story underscores the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in managing high-risk pregnancies and chronic conditions.

Featured Story

GERD Patient Finds Relief and a Team That Listens

Erin Bowlus played semi-professional flag football for two years with a broken hip. The lighting-intense pain flashing through her leg? She just sucked it up. So, when started to experience crushing chest pain in 2016, she didn’t believe her first set of doctors’ suggestion that she was suffering from anxiety. Erin is tough. She can … Read More

Featured Story

After 10 Years with GERD, Patient Says, ‘I Received the Best Results’

Julie Engquist ties her shoes. She sleeps with just one pillow. She walks her dog. If these things don’t sound groundbreaking, you’ve likely never contended with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). But Julie had. For 10 years. “The pain and discomfort were overwhelming,” she said. “There were a few times where I thought I was having … Read More

Featured Story

Bariatric Surgery Patient Loses 91 Pounds and Gains New Lease on Life

Tamra Rose says she was overweight most of her adult life. But when her son turned a year and a half, and the scale tipped passed her delivery weight, Tamra had enough. She works at Hoag and had learned from a colleague that the hospital was opening a Bariatric Surgery Weight Loss Program. She had … Read More

Digestive Health

After a Lifelong Search, Gastroparesis Patient Finds Hope

Within minutes of their first meeting, Caitlin Houghton, M.D., said the words that Brittney Pisanelli, 33, had been hoping to hear for most of her life: “You have options.” “I started crying in her office,” Brittney said. “I had never been told that before. Someone wanted to help me. Someone wanted to help me function … Read More

Featured Story

Nurse Becomes First Patient of Hoag’s Bariatric Surgery Weight Loss Program

The weight gain happened slowly, following a back injury that benched the soccer-loving Lori Zaccari at the age of 31. Then health issues started to creep in – rising cholesterol levels and blood pressure, borderline diabetes. By the time Lori Zaccari was 44, her appearance and health had undergone a troubling transformation. She stopped posing … Read More

Digestive Health

GERD Took Its Toll for 30 Years. An Advanced Procedure Gives Patient a New Start.

Frederick Tuerck knew he suffered from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition that causes acid reflux to backwash from the stomach, eroding the lining of the esophagus. Over time, this led to frequent pain traveling from his chest to his spine, leaving him increasingly frustrated. Over the course of 30 years, as he served his … Read More

Digestive Health

Investment in Crohn’s Disease Gives Patient Comfort and Hope

“I feel like I have the best on my team,” Jason said. “I feel confident in her and in Hoag. Having Dr. Hwang and Dr. Yu, signals to me that Hoag is investing in the care of people in Orange County who have Crohn’s. It’s an opportunity for Hoag to help a lot of people.”