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A Message from Robert Braithwaite: The New Year

Dear Neighbors,
The New Year is a time of new beginnings. We make our resolutions and set our intentions. In the darkened days of winter, we create light and warmth, and begin our journeys anew. Here at Hoag, those feelings of rejuvenation are particularly strong. Our culture of innovation constantly propels us forward, and everywhere I look, I see the gleaming results of our momentum.

This issue of Hoag for Life celebrates the innovations that are empowering our patients today and will set the course for health care in the future. In these pages, you will read about how Hoag is expanding its reach to bring more people access to clinical trials, innovative women’s health care and award-winning cardiovascular care. You will learn about Hoag’s pioneering gastrointestinal programs, including a new AI offering. And you will discover how some of the best cancer care in the nation is available here, in Orange County.

I hope these tales of excellence inspire you the way they inspire me. The expertise of our clinical staff and our physician leaders, the support of our philanthropic community and the role Hoag is playing in the advancement of health care combine to lay the foundation for a fully empowered Orange County. Hoag envisions a healthier, stronger community driven by innovation and guided by compassion. As we build that future together, Hoag is here for you. For health. For wellness. For life.


Robert T. Braithwaite

President and Chief Executive Officer of Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian