Adam S. Kanter, MD, MS, MBA, FAANS
Ron & Sandi Simon Executive Medical Director Endowed Chair and Chief of Neurosurgery at Hoag Specialty Clinic. Board-certified neurosurgeon with subspecialized fellowship training in both spine and neurological surgery. Leading expert in lateral access surgical techniques and minimally invasive interbody fusion.
"My desire is to give my patients the absolute best experience and outcome that hands can provide."
– Adam S. Kanter, MD, MS, MBA, FAANS
Experience You Can Trust
Before joining Hoag, Dr. Kanter served as Director for the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s minimally invasive spine program where he launched and directed their complex spine fellowship program. His accolades during this period include being named Chief of Spine Services and becoming a tenured professor of neurosurgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Select read more below for a Q&A session he recently published with Becker's Spine Review.
Read MoreMedical Education
Dr. Kanter began his medical education with an undergraduate degree in neuroscience / psychology from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, Massachusetts. He earned a master’s degree in medical sciences from Boston University in Boston, Massachusetts, medical degree from the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont and completed a neurosurgical residency at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia.
He completed fellowship training in neurosurgery at Auckland Hospital in Auckland, New Zealand and minimally invasive spine surgery at University of California, San Francisco, California. Select read more below to see a full list of Dr. Kanter's credentials.
Read MoreGet to Know Dr. Kanter Better
At Hoag, we want you to feel empowered when choosing a surgeon. In the videos below, Dr. Kanter briefly explains why he cares and what drives him to strive for excellence and exceptional patient satisfaction.
"It sounds cliché, but my passion is truly about you."
"My patients are a lifelong commitment, just like family."
One Word
"If I had to choose one word to describe me, it would be..."
AANS/CNS 2023 Spine Summit
Excellence Requires Change
Adam Kanter, President of the AANS/CNS Section on Disorders of the Spine & Peripheral Nerves, introduces the theme of Mastery, Vision, and Purpose: Excellence Requires Change, at Spine Summit 2023.
Mastery | Vision | Purpose
AANS/CNS 2023 Spine Summit: As the Chair for the AANS/CNS Section on Disorders of the Spine & Peripheral Nerves, Dr. Kanter kicks off this year's summit with a message about how excellence requires change.

How you respond to adversity is the greatest predictor of your future success.
Ron & Sandi Simon Executive Medical Director Endowed Chair, Pickup Family Neurosciences Institute Chief of Neurosurgery, Hoag Specialty Clinic
Dr. Kanter is a national and international speaker, including visiting Professorships and keynote addresses at Harvard, Cornell and Washington University.
The International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery 23rd Annual Conference
In June 2023, Dr. Kanter spoke at The International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery 23rd Annual Conference (ISASS23) in San Francisco. His lecture promoted evolving techniques and indications in MIS Single Position Lateral Surgery.
AANS Annual Scientific Meeting
Adam Kanter, M.D. was the Visionary Speaker at the AANS Annual Scientific Meeting in Los Angeles.
AANS/CNS 2023 Spine Summit
Adam Kanter M.D., Chair of the AANS/CNS Section on Disorders of the Spine & Peripheral Nerves, introduces the theme of Mastery, Vision, and Purpose: Excellence Requires Change, at Spine Summit 2023. View his introduction video here.
AANS/CNS 2023 Spine Summit: As the Chair for the AANS/CNS Section on Disorders of the Spine & Peripheral Nerves, Dr. Kanter kicks off this year’s summit with a message about how excellence requires change. View his presentation video here.
West Coast Fellows Conference
In July 2023, Adam Kanter, M.D. spoke about Physician Leadership in Practice during grand rounds at the West Coast Fellows Conference, which is sponsored by the San Diego Spine Foundation.
As a physician leader, Dr. Kanter has served as a key member of several major neurosurgical societies. Currently, he serves as Chair of the AANS/CNS Spine Section and President of the Society for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeons.
Chair or President Activities
- AANS/CNS: Division of Spine & Peripheral Nerves, Chair 2022-2023
- Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeons, Chair 2021-2022
- International Society for Advancement of Spine Surgery, Scientific Program Director 2021-2022
- Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeons, Executive Board Member 2019-2021
- Society of Lateral Access Surgeons, North American Executive Board Director 2018-2020
- Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeons, Strategic Leadership: Membership Chair 2017-2018
Professional Organization Membership/Associations
- Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeons (SMISS)
- Society of Lateral Access Surgeons (SOLAS)
- American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS)
- Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CCNS)
- International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery (ISASS)
- World Spinal Column Society
- Pennsylvania Medical Society
- Allegheny County Medical Society
- North American Spine Society
- American Medical Association
- AANS/CNS Section on Tumors
- AANS/CNS Section on Disorders of the Spine & Peripheral Nerves
- AANS/CNS Section on Neurotrauma & Critical Care
- American College of Surgeons
Dr. Kanter has served as principal investigator on several research studies evaluating the use of stem cell derived biologics to induce spinal fusion. His primary research focuses on patient derived clinical outcome measures, specifically appraising the utility of minimally invasive and lateral access surgical corridors.
His research background includes publishing over 140 papers in refereed journals, listed below:
Refereed Journal Publications
- Kanter AS, Hyman NH, Shuan CL. Ganglioneuromatosis Polyposis: A Premalignant Condition? Report of a Case and Review of the Literature. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 44: 591-593, 2001.
- Laws ER Jr, Kanter AS. Rathke Cleft Cysts. Journal of Neurosurgery 101(4):571-572, 2004.
- Laws ER Jr, Kanter AS. Transsphenoidal Endoscopic Treatment of Rathke’s Cleft Cysts: Comment. Neurosurgery 56(1): 130, 2005.
- Laws ER Jr, Kanter AS, Jane JA Jr, Dumont AS: Editorial: Extended Transsphenoidal Approach. Journal of Neurosurgery 102:825-828, 2005.
- Kanter AS, Diallo AO, Jane Jr JA, Sheehan JP, Asthagiri AR, Oskouian RJ, Okonkwo DO, Sansur CA, Vance ML, Rogol AD, Laws ER Jr. Pediatric Cushing’s Disease: A Single Center’s Experience. Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics 103(5):413-20, 2005.
- Kanter AS, Dumont AS, Asthagiri AR, Oskouian RJ, Jane JA Jr, Laws ER Jr. The Transsphenoidal Approach: A Historical Perspective. Neurosurgical Focus 18(4):1-4, 2005.
- Oskouian RJ, Shaffrey CI, Whitehill R, Sansur CA, Pouratian N, Kanter AS, Asthagiri AR, Dumont AS, Sheehan JP, Elias WJ, Shaffrey ME. Anterior Stabilization of three-column spinal trauma. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 5(1):18-25, July 2006.
- Jagannathan J, Okonkwo DO, Prevedello DM, Kanter AS, Laws ER. Arachnoid Diverticula Associated with Anterior Skull Base Tumors: Technical Case Report. Neurosurgery 61(1): E172-173, 2007.
- Nockels RP, Shaffrey CI, Kanter AS, Azeem S, York JE. Occipitocervical Fusion Utilizing Rigid Internal Fixation: Long Term Follow-up in 60 Patients. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine (7):117-123, 2007. Cited 64.
- Jagannathan J, Kanter AS, Sheehan JP, Jane JA Jr, Laws ER. Benign Brain Tumors: Sellar/Parasellar Tumors. Neurol Clinics 25(4):1231-1249, 2007.
- Kanter AS, Asthagiri AR, Shaffrey CI. The Aging Spine, Challenges and Emerging Techniques. Clinical Neurosurgery: 54:10-18, 2007.
- Keyoung HM, Kanter AS, Mummaneni PV. Delayed-onset Neurological deficit Following Correction of Severe Thoracic Kyphotic Deformity. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 8(1):74-79, 2008. ** cover photo
- Kanter AS, Jagannathan J, Shaffrey CI, Ouiellet J, Mummaneni PV. Inflammatory and Dysplastic Lesions Involving the Spine. Neurosurg Clinics of North America. 19(1):93-109, 2008.
- Kanter AS, Wang MY, Mummaneni PV. A proposed treatment algorithm for the management of cervical spine fractures and deformity in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Neurosurgical Focus 24(1) : E11, 1-7, 2008.
- Kanter AS, Jagannathan J, Olson C, Sherman JH, Laws ER Jr. Applications of radiotherapy and radiosurgery in the management of pediatric Cushing’s disease: a review of the literature and our experience. J Neurooncol: 1-8, 2008.
- Kanter AS, Mummaneni PV. Minimally invasive spine surgery. Neurosurg Focus 25(2): E1, 2008.
- Chi JH, Dhall SS, Kanter AS, Mummaneni PV. The Mini-Open transpedicular thoracic discectomy: surgical technique and assessment. Neurosurg Focus 25(2): E5, 1-5, 1008.
- Management of Low Back-pain in Division I College Football Players: A Multi-institutional Study on Long-term Outcomes, Disability and Return to Play. Jagannathan J, Kanter AS, Liu CY, Mills J, Sheehan JP, Williams BJ, Sheehan J, Maroon JC, Shaffrey CI, Bailes JE, Jane JA. Neurosurgery 62(6):1408, 2008.
- Wang VY, Kanter AS, Mummaneni PV. Removal of ossified ligamentum flavum via a minimally invasive surgical approach. Neurosurg Focus 25(2): E7, 1-4, 2008.
- Pirris SM, Dhall SS, Mummaneni PV, Kanter AS. Minimally invasive approach to extraforaminal disc herniations at the lumbosacral junction using an operating microscope: case series and review of the literature. Neurosurg Focus 25(2): E10, 1-5, 2008.
- Widge AS, Tomycz ND, Kanter AS. Sacral Preservation in Cauda Equina Syndrome from Inferior Vena Cava Thrombosis: Case Report and Review of the Literature. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 10(3):257-259, 2009.
- Maserati MB, Stephens B, Zohny Z, Lee JY, Kanter AS, Spiro RM, Okonkwo DO. Occipital Condyle Fractures: Clinical Decision Rule and Surgical Management. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 11(4):388-95, 2009.
- Kanter AS, Bradford DS, Okonkwo DO, Rengachary SS, Mummaneni PV. Thoraco-Lumbar Spinal Deformity: Part I, An Historical Passage to 1990. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 11(6)631-639, 2009.
- Lam FC, Kanter AS, Ogilvie J, Okonkwo DO, Mummaneni PV. A History of Spine Deformity Surgery: Part II, Developments from 1990 to present. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 11(6)640-650, 2009.
- Maserati MB, Shaffrey CI, Kanter AS. Spinal Surgery in the Elderly Population: Complications and Considerations. AANS Neurosurgeon 19(1)20-23, 2010.
- Madhok R, Kanter AS. Extreme Lateral Minimally Invasive Transpsoas Approach for the Treatment of Far-Lateral Disc Herniation – 2 Cases and Review of the Literature. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 12(4)347-350, 2010.
- Tormenti MJ, Maserati MB, Bonfield CM, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS. Complications and Radiographic Correction in Adult Scoliosis Following Combined Transpsoas Extreme Lateral Interbody Fusion and Posterior Pedicle Screw Instrumentation. Neurosurgical Focus 28(3)E7, 1-7, 2010. Cited 133.
- Tormenti MJ, Kostov DB, Gardner PA, Kanter AS, Spiro RM, Okonkwo DO. Intra-operative CT Image-Guided Navigation for Posterior Thoracolumbar Spinal Instrumentation in Spinal Deformity Surgery. Neurosurgical Focus 28(3)E11:1-6, 2010. Cited 47.
- Kostov D, Jankowitz B, Kanaan H, Engh J, Monaco EA 3rd, Kanter AS, Horowitz M. Lower Extremity Monoparesis after Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 112(8):710-712, 2010.
- Kaptain G, Kanter AS, Hamilton KD. Management and implications of intra-operative cerebrospinal fluid leak in transnasoseptal transsphenoidal microsurgery. Neurosurgery 68(1):144-151, 2011.
- Jegapragasan M, Cook DJ, Gladowski DA, Kanter AS, Cheng BC. Characterization of Articulation of the Lumbar Facets in the Human Cadaveric Spine Using a Facet-based Coordinate System. The Spine Journal 2(4):341-346, 2011.
- Tormenti MJ, Maserati MB, Bonfield CM, Gerszten PC, Moossy JJ, Kanter AS, Spiro RM, Okonkwo DO. Perioperative surgical complications of transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion: a single-center experience. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 16(1):44-50, 2012.
- Morr S, Kanter AS. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Following Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Case Report and Literature Review. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 20(1):1-5, 2013.
- Kanter AS, Ganghoke GS. Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Procedural Nuances and Video. Neurosurgical Focus (Suppl)35: Video 20, 2013.
- Kanter AS, Gandhoke G. Commentary: Striking a balance between less invasive approaches and optimal tumor resection. The Spine Journal(7):754-755, 2013.
- Kasliwal MK, Smith JS, Kanter AS, Chen CJ, Mummaneni PV, Hart RA, Shaffrey CI. Management of high-grade spondylolisthesis. Neurosurgical Clinics of North America 24(2):275-91, 2013.
- Kanter AS, Morr S. Response. (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Following Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Case Report and Literature Review). Journal Neurosurgery: Spine 20(4):473, 2014.
- Kanter AS, Shaffrey CI, Mummaneni P, Wang MY, Uribe JS. Introduction: Adult spinal deformity: pathophysiology and corrective measures. Neurosurgical Focus. May;36(5), 2014.
- Mummaneni PV, Shaffrey CI, Lenke LG, Park P, Wang MY, La Marca F, Smith JS, Mundis GM Jr, Okonkwo DO, Moal B, Fessler RG, Anand N, Uribe JS, Kanter AS, Akbarnia B, Fu KM; Minimally Invasive Surgery Section of the International Spine Study Group. The minimally invasive spinal deformity surgery algorithm: a reproducible rational framework for decision making in minimally invasive spinal deformity surgery. Neurosurgical Focus 36(5): E6, 2014.
- Uribe JS, Deukmedjian AR, Mummaneni PV, Fu KM, Mundis GM Jr, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS, Eastlack R, Wang MY, Anand N, Fessler RG, La Marca F, Park P, Lafage V, Deviren V, Bess S, Shaffrey CI; International Spine Study
Group. Complications in adult spinal deformity surgery: an analysis of minimally invasive, hybrid, and open surgical techniques. Neurosurgical Focus.36(5): E15, 2014. - Haque RM, Mundis GM Jr, Ahmed Y, El Ahmadieh TY, Wang MY, Mummaneni PV, Uribe JS, Okonkwo DO, Eastlack RK, Anand N, Kanter AS, La Marca F, Akbarnia BA, Park P, Lafage V, Terran JS, Shaffrey CI, Klineberg E, Deviren V, Fessler RG; International Spine Study Group. Comparison of radiographic results after minimally invasive, hybrid, and open surgery for adult spinal deformity: a multicenter study of 184 patients. Neurosurgical Focus 36(5): E13, 2014.
- Wang MY, Mummaneni PV, Fu KM, Anand N, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS, La Marca F, Fessler R, Uribe J, Shaffrey CI, Lafage V, Haque RM, Deviren V, Mundis GM Jr; Minimally Invasive Surgery Section of the International Spine Study Group. Less invasive surgery for treating adult spinal deformities: ceiling effects for deformity correction with 3 different techniques. Neurosurgical Focus 36(5): E12, 2014.
- Tempel ZJ, Gandhoke GS, Bonfield CM, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS. Radiographic and clinical outcomes following combined lateral lumbar interbody fusion and posterior segmental stabilization in patients with adult degenerative
scoliosis. Neurosurgical Focus 36(5):E11, 2014. - Gandhoke GS, Kasliwal MK, Smith JS, Nieto J, Ibrahimi D, Park P, Lamarca F, Shaffrey C, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS. A Multi-Center Evaluation of Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes Following High-Grade Spondylolisthesis
Reduction and Fusion. Journal of Spinal Disorders Tech. 2014. - Ahmadian A, Bach K, Bolinger B, Malham GM, Okonkwo DK, Kanter AS, Uribe JS. Stand-alone minimallyinvasive lateral lumbar interbody fusion: multicenter clinical outcomes. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 22(4):740-
746, 2014. - Gandhoke GS, Tempel ZJ, Bonfield CM, Madhok R, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS. Technical nuances of the minimally invasive extreme lateral approach to treat thoracolumbar burst fractures. European Spine Journal 24(3): 353-360,
2015. - Tempel ZJ, Gandhoke GS, Bolinger BD, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS. Vertebral body fracture following stand-alone lateral lumbar interbody fusion (LLIF): report of two events out of 712 levels. European Spine Journal 24(3): 409-413,
2015. - Tempel ZJ, Gandhoke GS, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS. Impaired bone mineral density as a predictor of graft subsidence following minimally invasive transpsoas lateral lumbar interbody fusion. European Spine Journal 24(3):
414-419, 2015. - Uribe JS, Isaacs RE, Youssef JA, Khajavi K, Balzer JR, Kanter AS, Küelling FA, Peterson MD, SOLAS Degenerative Study Group. Can triggered electromyography monitoring throughout retraction predict postoperative symptomatic neuropraxia after XLIF? Results from a prospective multicenter trial. European Spine Journal 24(3):378-385, 2015.
- Ahmadian A, Bach K, Bolinger B, Malham GM, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS, Uribe JS. Stand-alone minimally invasive lateral lumbar interbody fusion: Multicenter clinical outcomes. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 22(4):740-6,
2015. - Park P, Wang MY, Lafage V, Nguyen S, Ziewacz J, Okonkwo DO, Uribe JS, Eastlack RK, Anand N, Haque R, Fessler RG, Kanter AS, Deviren V, La Marca F, Smith JS, Shaffrey CI, Mundis GM Jr, Mummaneni P, ISSG. Comparison of two minimally invasive surgery strategies to treat adult spinal deformity. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 22(4):374-80, 2015. Cited 42.
- Bonfield CM, Shin SS, Kanter AS. Helmets, head injury and concussion in sport. Physcian Sports Medicine 27:1-11, 2015.
- Stone JG, Panczykowski DM, Tempel ZJ, Tormenti M, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO. Evaluation of Occipitocervical Arthrodesis Rates with Screw-based Fixation and Osteoinductive Fusion Adjuncts. J Neurol Surg a Cent Eur Neurosurg 76(5):361-8. 2015.
- Salvetti DJ, Tempel ZJ, Gandhoke GS, Parry PV, Grandhi RM, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO. Preoperative prealbumin level as a risk factor for surgical site infection following elective spine surgery. Surg Neurol Int 6(S19): S500-3, 2015.
- Zenonos GA, Agarwal N, Monaco EA 3rd, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS. Traumatic L4-5 bilateral locked facet joints. Eur Spine J. 2016 May;25 Suppl 1:129-33. doi: 10.1007/s00586-015-4245-y. Epub 2015 Sep 24. PMID: 26403290.
- Than KD, Park P, Fu KM, Nguyen S, Wang MY, Chou D, Nunley PD, Anand N, Fessler RG, Shaffrey CI, Bess S, Akbarnia BA, Deviren V, Uribe JS, La Marca F, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Mundis GM Jr, Mummaneni PV; ISSG. Clinical and radiographic parameters associated with best versus worst clinical outcomes in minimally invasive spinal deformity surgery. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine. 4:1-5, 2016.
- Hamilton DK, Kanter AS, Bolinger BD, Mundis GM Jr, Nguyen S, Mummaneni PV, Anand N, Fessler RG, Passias PG, Park P, La Marca F, Uribe JS, Wang MY, Akbarnia BA, Shaffrey CI, Okonkwo DO, ISSG. Reoperation rates in minimally invasive, hybrid and open surgical treatment for adult spinal deformity with minimum 2-year follow-up. Eur Spine Journal 2016 Feb 24.
- Kanter AS, Tempel ZJ, Ozpinar A, Okonkwo DO. A Review of Minimally Invasive Procedures for the Treatment of Adult Spinal Deformity. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2016 Apr;41 Suppl 8: S59-65. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000001481. PMID: 26839986.
- Gandhoke GS, Shin HM, Chang YF, Tempel Z, Gerszten PC, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS. A Cost-Effectiveness Comparison Between Open Transforaminal and Minimally Invasive Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusions Using the Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio at 2-Year Follow-up. Neurosurgery 78(4):585-95, 2016.
- Park P, Wang MY, Nguyen S, Mundis GM Jr, La Marca F, Uribe JS, Anand N, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS, Fessler R, Eastlack RK, Chou D, Deviren V, Nunley PD, Shaffrey CI, Mummaneni PV, ISSG. Comparison of Complications and Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes Between Nonobese and Obese Patients with Adult Spinal Deformity Undergoing Minimally Invasive Surgery. World Neurosurgery 87:55-60, 2016.
- Kanter AS, Gandhoke GS, Welch WC, Arnold PM, Cheng JS, Okonkwo DO. A prospective, multi-center clinical and radiographic outcomes evaluation of ChronOS strip for lumbar spine fusion. Journal Clinical Neuroscience 25:36-40, 2016.
- Park P, Okonkwo DO, Nguyen S, Mundis GM Jr, Than KD, Deviren V, La Marca F, Fu KM, Wang MY, Uribe JS, Anand N, Fessler R, Nunley PD, Chou D, Kanter AS, Shaffrey CI, Akbarnia BA, Passias PG, Eastlack RK, Mummaneni PV, ISSG. Can a Minimal Clinically Important Difference Be Achieved in Elderly Patients with Adult Spinal Deformity Who Undergo Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery? World Neurosurg 86:168-72, 2016.
- Mummaneni PV, Park P, Fu KM, Wang MY, Nguyen S, Lafage V, Uribe JS, Ziewacz J, Terran J, Okonkwo DO, Anand N, Fessler R, Kanter AS, LaMarca F, Deviren V, Bess RS, Schwab FJ, Smith JS, Akbarnia BA, Mundis GM Jr, Shaffrey CI. ISSG. Does Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Posterior Instrumentation Reduce Risk of Proximal Junctional Kyphosis in Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery? A Propensity-Matched Cohort Analysis. Neurosurgery 78(1):101-8, 2016.
- Karp JF, McGover J, Marron MM, Gerszten P, Weiner DK, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS. Clinical and Neuropsychiatric Correlates of Lumbar Spinal Surgery in Older Adults: Results of a Pilot Study. Pain Management, 2016 Nov; 6(6):543-552. Epub 2016 Apr 22.
- Gandhoke GS, Ricks C, Tempel Z, Zuckerbraun B, Hamilton DK, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS. Mini-open anterior lumbar interbody fusion. Neurosurg Focus 41 Video Suppl 1:1, 2016.
- Goldschmidt E, Rasmussen J, Chabot JD, Gandhoke G, Luzzi E, Merlotti L, Proni R, Loresi M, Hamilton DK, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS, Gerszten PC. The effect of vancomycin powder on human dural fibroblast culture and its implications for dural repair during spine surgery. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 3:1-6, 2016.
- Januszewski J, Keem SK, Smith W, Beckman JM, Kanter AS, Oskuian RJ, Taylor W, Uribe JS.
- The Potentially Fatal Ogilvie’s Syndrome in Lateral Transpsoas Access Surgery: A Multi-Institutional Experience with 2930 patients. World Neurosurgery S1878-8750(16)31280-3, 2016.
- McGowan JE, Ricks CB, Kanter AS. Minimally Invasive Treatment of Spine Trauma. Neurosurgery Clinics of North America 28(1):157-162, 2016.
- Nunley PD, Fessler RG, Park P, Zavatsky JM, Mundis GM, Uribe JS, Eastlack R, Nguyen S, Chou D, Wang MY, Anand N, Kanter AS, Shaffrey CI, Mummaneni PV; International Spine Study Group. How Do Case Type, Length of Stay, and Comorbidities Affect Medicare Diagnosis-Related Group Reimbursement for Minimally Invasive Surgery for Deformity? Neurosurgery 63 Suppl 1:210. 2016.
- Januszewski J, Keem SK, Smith W, Beckman JM, Kanter AS, Oskuian RJ, Taylor W, Uribe JS. The Potentially Fatal Ogilvie’s Syndrome in Lateral Transpsoas Access Surgery: A Multi-Institutional Experience with 2930 patients. World Neurosurg. S1878-8750(16)31280-3, 2016.
- Uribe JS, Beckman J, Mummaneni PV, Okonkwo D, Nunley P, Wang MY, Mundis GM Jr, Park P, Eastlack R, Anand N, Kanter AS, Lamarca F, Fessler R, Shaffrey CI, Lafage V, Chou D, Deviren V, MIS-ISSG. Does MIS Surgery Allow for Shorter Constructs in the Surgical Treatment of Adult Spinal Deformity? Neurosurgery. 1;80(3):489-497, 2017.
- Alan N, Cohen J, Ozpinar A, Agarwal N, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Hamilton DK. Top 50 most cited articles on primary tumors of the spine. J Clin Neurosci. S0967-5868(16)31254-1, 2017.
- Alan N, Cohen JA, Zhou J, Pease M, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Hamilton DK. Top 50 most-cited articles on craniovertebral junction surgery. J Craniovertebr Junction Spine. 8(1):22-32, 2017.
- Zhou JJ, Koltz MT, Agarwal N, Tempel ZJ, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Hamilton DK. 100 Most Influential Publications in Scoliosis Surgery. Spine 5:336-344, 2017.
- Januszewski J, Keem SK, Smith W, Beckman JM, Kanter AS, Oskouian RJ, Taylor W, Uribe JS. The Potentially Fatal Ogilvie’s Syndrome in Lateral Transpsoas Access Surgery: A Multi-Institutional Experience with 2930 Patients. World Neurosurg. 99:302-307, 2017.
- McGowan JE, Ricks CB, Kanter AS. Minimally Invasive Treatment of Spine Trauma. Neurosurg Clinics of North America 1:157-162, 2017.
- Witiw CD, Fessler RG, Nguyen S, Mummaneni P, Anand N, Blaskiewicz D, Uribe J, Wang MY, Kanter AS, Okonkwo D, Park P, Deviren V, Akbarnia BA, Eastlack RK, Shaffrey C, Mundis GM Jr. Re-operation After Long-Segment Fusions for Adult Spinal Deformity: The Impact of Extending the Construct Below the Lumbar Spine. Neurosurgery. 2018 Feb 1;82(2):211-219. doi: 10.1093/neuros/nyx163. PMID: 28472486]
- Tempel ZJ, Smith JS, Shaffrey C, Arnold PM, Fehlings MG, Mroz TE, Riew KD, Kanter AS. A Multicenter Review of Superior Laryngeal Nerve Injury Following Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery. Global Spine Journal 7(1 Suppl):7S-11S, 2017.
- O’Neill KR, Fehlings MG, Mroz TE, Smith ZA, Hsu WK, Kanter AS, Steinmetz MP, Arnold PM, Mummaneni PV, Chou D, Nassr A, Qureshi SA, Cho SK, Baird EO, Smith JS, Shaffrey C, Tannoury CA, Tannoury T, Gokaslan ZL, Gum JL, Hart RA, Isaacs RE, Sasso RC, Bumpass DB, Bydon M, Corriveau M, De Giacomo AF, Derakhshan A, Jobse BC, Lubelski D, Lee S, Massicotte EM, Pace JR, Smith GA, Than KD, Riew KD. A Multicenter Study of the Presentation, Treatment, and Outcomes of Cervical Dural Tears. Global Spine Journal 7(1 Suppl):58S-63S, 2017.
- Ames CP, Clark AJ, Kanter AS, Arnold PM, Fehlings MG, Mroz TE, Riew KD. Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy After Cervical Spine Surgery. Global Spine Journal. 7(1 Suppl):37S-39S, 2017.
- Schroeder GD, Hilibrand AS, Arnold PM, Fish DE, Wang JC, Gum JL, Smith ZA, Hsu WK, Gokaslan ZL, Isaacs RE, Kanter AS, Mroz TE, Nassr A, Sasso RC, Fehlings MG, Buser Z, Bydon M, Cha PI, Chatterjee D, Gee EL, Lord EL, Mayer EN, McBride OJ, Nguyen EC, Roe AK, Tortolani PJ, Stroh DA, Yanez MY, Riew KD. Epidural Hematoma Following Cervical Spine Surgery. Global Spine Journal 7(1 Suppl):120S-126S, 2017.
- Traynelis VC, Malone HR, Smith ZA, Hsu WK, Kanter AS, Qureshi SA, Cho SK, Baird EO, Isaacs RE, Rahman RK, Polevaya G, Smith JS, Shaffrey C, Tortolani PJ, Stroh DA, Arnold PM, Fehlings MG, Mroz TE, Riew KD. Rare Complications of Cervical Spine Surgery: Horner’s Syndrome. Global Spine Journal 7(1 Suppl):103S-108S, 2017.
- Gandhoke GS, Kasliwal MK, Smith JS, Nieto J, Ibrahimi D, Park P, Lamarca F, Shaffrey C, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS. A Multicenter Evaluation of Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes Following High-grade Spondylolisthesis Reduction and Fusion. Clin Spine Surgery 30(4): E363-E369, 2017.
- McDowell MM, Tempel ZJ, Gandhoke GS, Khattar NK, Hamilton DK, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO. Evolution of Sagittal Imbalance Following Corrective Surgery for Sagittal Plane Deformity. Neurosurgery 1;81(1):129-134, 2017.
- Tempel ZJ, Gandhoke GS, Bolinger BD, Khattar NK, Parry PV, Chang YF, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS. The Influence of Pelvic Incidence and Lumbar Lordosis Mismatch on Development of Symptomatic Adjacent Level Disease Following Single-Level Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion. Neurosurgery 1;80(6):880-886, 2017.
- Nunley PD, Mundis GM Jr, Fessler RG, Park P, Zavatsky JM, Uribe JS, Eastlack RK, Chou D, Wang MY, Anand N, Frank KA, Stone MB, Kanter AS, Shaffrey CI, Mummaneni PV; International Spine Study Group. Impact of case type, length of stay, institution type, and comorbidities on Medicare diagnosis-related group reimbursement for adult spinal deformity surgery. Neurosurg Focus 43(6): E11, 2017 PMID: 29191102.
- Than KD, Mummaneni PV, Bridges KJ, Tran S, Park P, Chou D, La Marca F, Uribe JS, Vogel TD, Nunley PD, Eastlack RK, Anand N, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS, Mundis GM Jr. Complication rates associated with open versus percutaneous pedicle screw instrumentation among patients undergoing minimally invasive interbody fusion for adult spinal deformity. Neurosurg Focus 43(6): E7, 2017 PMID: 29191098.
- Eastlack RK, Mundis GM Jr, Wang M, Mummaneni PV, Uribe J, Okonkwo D, Akbarnia BA, Anand N, Kanter AS, Park P, Lafage V, Shaffrey C, Fessler R, Deviren V; International Spine Study Group. Is There a Patient Profile That Characterizes a Patient with Adult Spinal Deformity as a Candidate for Minimally Invasive Surgery? Global Spine J7(7):703-708, 2017.
- Mundis GM Jr, Turner JD, Deviren V, Uribe JS, Nunley P, Mummaneni P, Anand N, Park P, Okonkwo DO, Wang MY, Bess S, Kanter AS, Fessler R, Nguyen S, Akbarnia BA; International Spine Study Group. A Critical Analysis of Sagittal Plane Deformity Correction with Minimally Invasive Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery: A 2-Year Follow-Up Study. Spine Deform.5(4):265-271, Jul 2017. PMID 28622902.
- Goldschmidt E, Angriman F, Agarwal N, Zhou J, Chen K, Tempel ZJ, Gerszten PC, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Passias P, Scheer J, Protopsaltis T, Lafage V, Lafage R, Schwab F, Bess S, Ames C, Smith JS, Shaffrey CI, Miller E, Jain A, Neuman B, Sciubba DM, Burton D, Hamilton DK; International Spine Study Group. A Novel Tool for Deformity Surgery Planning: Determining the Magnitude of Lordotic Correction Required to Achieve a Desired Sagittal Vertical Axis. World Neurosurg 104:904-908, Aug. 2017. PMID 28451498.
- Uribe JS, Januszewski J, Wang M, Anand N, Okonkwo DO, Mummaneni PV, Nguyen S, Zavatsky J, Than K, Nunley P, Park P, Kanter AS, La Marca F, Fessler R, Mundis GM, Eastlack RK. Patients with High Pelvic Tilt Achieve the Same Clinical Success as Those with Low Pelvic Tilt After Minimally Invasive Adult Deformity Surgery. Neurosurgery 83(2):270-276, Aug. 2018. PMID: 28945896.
- Goldschmidt E, Angriman F, Ferreyro B, Agarwal N, Zhou J, Chen K, Tempel ZJ, Gerszten PC, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Passias P, Scheer J, Protopsaltis T, Lafage V, Lafage R, Schwab F, Bess S, Ames C, Smith JS, Burton D, Hamilton DK; International Spine Study Group (ISSG). Design and Testing of 2 Novel Scores That Predict Global Sagittal Alignment Utilizing Cervical or Lumbar Plain Radiographs. Neurosurgery. Feb. 2018; 81(1):129-134. PMID: 28419292.
- Tempel ZJ, McDowell MM, Panczykowski DM, Gandhoke GS, Hamilton DK, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS. Graft subsidence as a predictor of revision surgery following stand-alone lateral lumbar interbody fusion. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 28(1):50-56, Jan. 2018. PMID: 29125429.
- Witiw CD, Fessler RG, Nguyen S, Mummaneni P, Anand N, Blaskiewicz D, Uribe J, Wang MY, Kanter AS, Okonkwo D, Park P, Deviren V, Akbarnia BA, Eastlack RK, Shaffrey C, Mundis GM Jr; International Spine Study Group. Re-operation After Long-Segment Fusions for Adult Spinal Deformity: The Impact of Extending the Construct Below the Lumbar Spine. Neurosurgery 82(2):211-219, Feb. 2018. PMID 28472486.
- Agarwal N, Agarwal P, Querry A, Mazurkiewicz A, Tempel ZJ, Friedlander RM, Gerszten PC, Hamilton DK, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS. Implementation of an infection prevention bundle and increased physician awareness improves surgical outcomes and reduces costs associated with spine surgery. Journal of Neurosurg: Spine (1):108-114, Jul. 2018. PMID: 29701563.
- Agarwal N, Gupta R, Agarwal P, Matthew P, Wolferz R Jr, Shah A, Adeeb N, Prabhu AV, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Hamilton DK. Descriptive Analysis of State and Federal Spine Surgery Malpractice Litigation in the United States. Spine (14):984-990, Jul. 2018. PMID: 29215494.
- Uribe JS, Januszewski J, Wang M, Anand N, Okonkwo DO, Mummaneni PV, Nguyen S, Zavatsky J, Than K, Nunley P, Park P, Kanter AS, La Marca F, Fessler R, Mundis GM, Eastlack RK. Patients with High Pelvic Tilt Achieve the Same Clinical Success as Those with Low Pelvic Tilt After Minimally Invasive Adult Deformity Surgery. Neurosurgery 83(2):270-276, Aug. 2018. PMID: 28945896.
- Eastlack RK, Ledesma JB, Tran S, Khalsa A, Park P, Mummaneni PV, Chou D, Kanter AS, Anand N, Nunley P, La Marca F, Fessler RG, Uribe JS, Mundis GM Jr; International Spine Study Group. Home versus Rehabilitation: Factors that Influence Disposition after Minimally Invasive Surgery in Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery. World Neurosurg 18: S1878-8750, Oct. 2018, PMID 30006134.
- Agarwal N, Faramand A, Alan N, Tempel ZJ, Hamilton DK, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS. Lateral lumbar interbody fusion in the elderly: a 10-year experience. J Neurosurg Spine 1;29(5):525-529, Nov. 2018. PMID: 30052150.
- Park P, Fu KM, Mummaneni PV, Uribe JS, Wang MY, Tran S, Kanter AS, Nunley PD, Okonkwo DO, Shaffrey CI, Mundis GM Jr, Chou D, Eastlack R, Anand N, Than KD, Zavatsky JM, Fessler RG. International Spine Study Group. The Impact of Age on Surgical Goals for Spinopelvic Alignment in Minimally Invasive Surgery for Adult Spinal Deformity. J Neurosurg Spine 10:1-5, Nov. 2018. PMID: 300141765.
- Uribe JS, Schwab F, Mundis GM Jr, Xu DS, Januszewski J, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Hu SS, Vedat D, Eastlack R, Berjano P, Mummaneni PV. The Comprehensive Anatomical Spinal Osteotomy and Anterior Column Realignment Classification. J Neurosurg Spine. 24:1 11, Nov. 2018. PMID: 30141765.
- Salvetti DJ, Tempel ZJ, Goldschmidt E, Colwell NA, Angriman F, Panczykowski DM, Agarwal N, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO. Low preoperative serum prealbumin levels and the postoperative surgical site infection risk in elective spine surgery: a consecutive series. J Neurosurg Spine 1;29(5):549-552, Nov. 2018. PMID: 30052149.
- Kanter AS, Tempel ZJ, Agarwal N, Hamilton DK, Zavatsky JM, Mundis GM, Tran S, Chou D, Park P, Uribe JS, Wang MY, Anand N, Eastlack R, Mummaneni PV, Okonkwo DO. Curve Laterality for Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion in Adult Scoliosis Surgery: The Concave Versus Convex Controversy. Neurosurgery 1;83(6):1219-1225, Dec. 2018. PMID: 29361052.
- Chou D, Mummaneni P, Anand N, Nunley P, La Marca F, Fu KM, Fessler R, Park P, Wang M, Than K, Nguyen S, Uribe J, Zavatsky J, Deviren V, Kanter AS, Okonkwo D, Eastlack R, Mundis G; International Spine Study Group. Treatment of the Fractional Curve of Adult Scoliosis with Circumferential Minimally Invasive Surgery Versus Traditional, Open Surgery: An Analysis of Surgical Outcomes. Global Spine J 8(8):827-833, Dec. 2018. PMID: 30560035; PMC6293429.
- Agarwal N, Faramand A, Bellon J, Borrebach J, Hamilton DK, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS. Limitations of patient experience reports to evaluate physician quality in spine surgery: analysis of 7485 surveys. J Neurosurg Spine 11:1-4, Jan. 2019 PMID: 30641854 [Epub ahead of print].
- Park P, Fu KM, Eastlack RK, Tran S, Mundis GM, Uribe JS, Wang MY, Than KD, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS, Nunley PD, Anand N, Fessler RG, Chou D, Oppenlander ME, Mummaneni PV; International Spine Study Group. Is achieving optimal spinopelvic parameters necessary to obtain substantial clinical benefit? An analysis of patients who underwent circumferential minimally invasive surgery or hybrid surgery with open posterior instrumentation. J Neurosurg Spine 22:1-6, Feb 2019 PMID: 30797202 [Epub ahead of print].
- Gandhoke GS, Smith KJ, Pandya YK, Alan N, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO. Cost-Effectiveness of a Radio Frequency Hemostatic Sealer (RFHS) in Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery. World Neurosurg 122:171-175, Feb. 2019. PMID: 30391604.
- Eastlack RK, Srinivas R, Mundis GM, Nguyen S, Mummaneni PV, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS, Anand N, Park P, Nunley P, Uribe JS, Akbarnia BA, Chou D, Deviren V; International Spine Study Group. Early and Late Reoperation Rates with Various MIS Techniques for Adult Spinal Deformity Correction. Global Spine J 9(1):41-47, Feb. 2019 PMID: 307750207.
- Gandhi SV, Januszewski J, Bach K, Graham R, Vivas AC, Paluzzi J, Kanter A, Okonkwo D, Tempel ZJ, Agarwal N, Uribe JS. Development of Proximal Junctional Kyphosis After Minimally Invasive Lateral Anterior Column Realignment for Adult Spinal Deformity. Neurosurgery 1;84(2):442-450, Feb. 2019. PMID 29608699.
- Than KD, Park P, Tran S, Mundis GM, Fu KM, Uribe JS, Okonkwo DO, Nunley PD, Fessler RG, Eastlack RK, Kanter A, Anand N, LaMarca F, Passias PG, Mummaneni PV; International Spine Study Group. Analysis of Complications with Staged Surgery for Less Invasive Treatment of Adult Spinal Deformity. World Neurosurg. 2019 Jun;126: e1337-e1342. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.03.090. Epub 2019 Mar 18. PMID: 30898739.
- Kashkoush A, Mehta A, Agarwal N, Nwachuku EL, Fields DP, Alan N, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Hamilton DK, Thirumala PD. Perioperative Neurological Complications Following Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion: Clinical Impact on 317,789 Patients from the National Inpatient Sample. World Neurosurg. 2019 Aug;128: e107-e115. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.04.037. Epub 2019 Apr 10.
- Godzik J, Haglin JM, Alan N, Hlubek RJ, Walker CT, Bach K, Mundis GM Jr, Turner JD, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Uribe JS. Retrospective multicenter assessment of rod fracture after anterior column realignment in minimally invasive adult spinal deformity correction. World Neurosurg. 2019 Oct;130: e400-e405. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.06.096. Epub 2019 Jun 21.
- McGowan JE, Kanter AS. Lateral Approaches for the Surgical Treatment of Lumbar Spondylolisthesis. Neurosurg Clin N Am.30(3):313-322, Jul. 2019. PMID: 31078232.
- Chou D, Mundis G, Wang M, Fu KM, Shaffrey C, Okonkwo D, Kanter A, Eastlack R, Nguyen S, Deviren V, Uribe J, Fessler R, Nunley P, Anand N, Park P, Mummaneni P. Minimally Invasive Surgery for Mild-to-Moderate Adult Spinal Deformities: Impact on Intensive Care Unit and Hospital Stay. International Spine Study Group. World Neurosurg 1: S1878-8750, Jul. 2019. PMID: 30947010.
- Wang MY, Tran S, Brusko GD, Eastlack R, Park P, Nunley PD, Kanter AS, Uribe JS, Anand N, Okonkwo DO, Than KD, Shaffrey CI, Lafage V, Mundis GM, Mummaneni PV; MIS-ISSG Group. Less invasive spinal deformity surgery: the impact of the learning curve at tertiary spine care centers. J Neurosurg Spine. 2019 Aug 23:1-8. doi: 10.3171/2019.6. SPINE19531. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 31443084.
- Agarwal N, Angriman F, Goldschmidt E, Zhou J, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Passias PG, Protopsaltis T, Lafage V, Lafage R, Schwab F, Bess S, Ames C, Smith JS, Shaffrey CI, Burton D, Hamilton DK; International Spine Study Group. Relationship between body mass index and sagittal vertical axis change as well as health-related quality of life in 564 patients after deformity surgery. J Neurosurg Spine. 2019 Aug 9:1-6. doi: 10.3171/2019.4. SPINE18485. PMID: 31398699 [Epub ahead of print].
- Mummaneni PV, Park P, Shaffrey CI, Wang MY, Uribe JS, Fessler RG, Chou D, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Mundis GM, Eastlack RK, Nunley PD, Anand N, Virk MS, Lenke LG, Than KD, Robinson LC, Fu KM; International Spine Study Group (ISSG). The MISDEF2 algorithm: an updated algorithm for patient selection in minimally invasive deformity surgery. J Neurosurg Spine. 2019 Oct 25;32(2):221-228. doi: 10.3171/2019.7. SPINE181104. PMID: 31653809.
- Wang MY, Uribe J, Mummaneni PV, Tran S, Brusko GD, Park P, Nunley P, Kanter A, Okonkwo D, Anand N, Chou D, Shaffrey CI, Fu KM, Mundis GM Jr, Eastlack R; Minimally Invasive Surgery-International Spine Study Group. Minimally Invasive Spinal Deformity Surgery: Analysis of Patients Who Fail to Reach Minimal Clinically Important Difference. World Neurosurg. 2020 May;137: e499-e505. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.02.025. Epub 2020 Feb 12. PMID: 32059971.
- Tonetti DA, Eichar B, Ares WJ, Kanter AS, Hamilton DK. Should the Presence of Spondylodiscitis Alter the Surgical Treatment of Patients with Symptomatic Ventral Cervical Epidural Abscesses? An Institutional Analysiss. World Neurosurg. 2020 Jun;138:e282-e288. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.02.103. Epub 2020 Feb 26. Erratum in: World Neurosurg. 2020 Jul 5;: PMID: 32112938.
- Agarwal N, White MD, Zhang X, Alan N, Ozpinar A, Salvetti DJ, Tempel ZJ, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS, Hamilton DK. Impact of endplate-implant area mismatch on rates and grades of subsidence following stand-alone lateral lumbar interbody fusion: an analysis of 623 levels. J Neurosurg Spine. 2020 Mar 6:1-5. doi: 10.3171/2020.1. SPINE19776. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32114533.
- Goldschmidt E, Angriman F, Agarwal N, Trevisan M, Zhou J, Chen K, Gerszten PC, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Passias P, Scheer J, Protopsaltis T, Lafage V, Lafage R, Schwab F, Bess S, Ames C, Smith JS, Shaffrey CI, Miller E, Jain A, Neuman B, Sciubba DM, Burton D, Hamilton DK; International Spine Study Group (ISSG). A New Piece of the Puzzle to Understand Cervical Sagittal Alignment: Utilizing a Novel Angle δ to Describe the Relationship among T1 Vertebral Body Slope, Cervical Lordosis, and Cervical Sagittal Alignment. Neurosurgery. 2020 Mar 1;86(3):446-451. doi: 10.1093/neuros/nyz088. PMID: 30924497.
- Wang MY, Park P, Tran S, Anand N, Nunley P, Kanter AS, Fessler R, Uribe J, Eastlack R, Shaffrey CI, Bess S, Mundis GM Jr, Brusko GD, Mummaneni PV; MIS-ISSG Group. Intermediate-term clinical and radiographic outcomes with less invasive adult spinal deformity surgery: patients with a minimum follow-up of 4 years. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2020 Jun;162(6):1393-1400. doi: 10.1007/s00701-020-04320-x. Epub 2020 Apr 14. PMID: 32291591.
- Walker CT, Kim HJ, Park P, Lenke LG, Weller MA, Smith JS, Nemergut EC, Sciubba DM, Wang MY, Shaffrey C, Deviren V, Mummaneni PV, Chang JM, Mummaneni VP, Than KD, Berjano P, Eastlack RK, Mundis GM Jr, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Shin JH, Lewis JM, Koski T, Hoh DJ, Glassman SD, Vinci SB, Daniels AH, Clavijo CF, Turner JD, McLawhorn M, Uribe JS. Neuroanesthesia Guidelines for Optimizing Transcranial Motor Evoked Potential Neuromonitoring During Deformity and Complex Spinal Surgery: A Delphi Consensus Study. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2020 Jul 1;45(13):911-920. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000003433. PMID: 32539292.
- Wangaryattawanich P, Kale HA, Kanter AS, Agarwal V. Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Review of Surgical Technique and Post-Operative Multi-Modality Imaging Findings. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2020 Sep 9. doi: 10.2214/AJR.20.24074. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32903050.
- Agarwal N, Salvetti DJ, Nowicki KW, Alan N, Ghandoke GS, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Hamilton DK. Preoperative Chronic Opiate Use and Patient Reported Outcomes Following Adult Spinal Reconstructive Surgery. World Neurosurg. 2020 Nov;143:e166-e171. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2020.07.084. Epub 2020 Jul 19. PMID: 32698082.
- Chou D, Chan AY, Park P, Eastlack RK, Fu KM, Fessler RG, Than KD, Anand N, Uribe J, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS, Nunley P, Wang MY, Mundis GM Jr, Mummaneni PV; International Spine Study Group. Revision Surgery Rates After Minimally Invasive Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery: Correlation with Roussouly Spine Type at 2-Year Follow-Up? World Neurosurg. 2021 Apr;148:e482-e487. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2021.01.011. Epub 2021 Jan 11. PMID: 33444841.
- Agarwal N, Goldschmidt E, Taylor T, Roy S, Dunn SCA, Bilderback A, Friedlander RM, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Gerszten PC, Hamilton DK, Hall DE. Impact of Frailty on Outcomes Following Spine Surgery: A Prospective Cohort Analysis of 668 Patients. Neurosurgery. 2021 Feb 16;88(3):552-557. doi: 10.1093/neuros/nyaa468. PMID: 33372214.
- Nwachuku E, Njoku-Austin C, Patel KP, Anthony AW, Mittal A, Hamilton DK, Kanter A, Gerszten PC, Okonkwo D. Isolated traumatic occipital condyle fractures: Is external cervical orthosis even necessary?Surg Neurol Int. 2021 Oct 19;12:524. doi: 10.25259/SNI_748_2021. eCollection 2021.
- Chan AK, Eastlack RK, Fessler RG, Than KD, Chou D, Fu KM, Park P, Wang MY, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Nunley PD, Anand N, Uribe JS, Mundis GM, Bess S, Shaffrey CI, Le VP, Mummaneni PV, International Spine Study Group. Two- and three-year outcomes of minimally invasive and hybrid correction of adult spinal deformity. J Neurosurg Spine. 2021 Nov 5:1-14. doi: 10.3171/2021.7.SPINE21138. Online ahead of print.PMID: 34740175
- Greenberg JK, Burks SS, Dibble CF, Javeed S, Gupta VP, Yahanda AT, Perez-Roman RJ, Govindarajan V, Dailey AT, Dhall S, Hoh DJ, Gelb DE, Kanter AS, Klineberg EO, Lee MJ, Mummaneni PV, Park P, Sansur CA, Than KD, Yoon JJW, Wang MY, Ray WZ. An updated management algorithm for incorporating minimally invasive techniques to treat thoracolumbar trauma. J Neurosurg Spine. 2021 Oct 29:1-10. doi: 10.3171/2021.7.SPINE21790. Online ahead of print.PMID: 34715673
- Chou D, Lafage V, Chan AY, Passias P, Mundis GM, Eastlack RK, Fu KM, Fessler RG, Gupta MC, Than KD, Anand N, Uribe JS, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Bess S, Shaffrey CI, Kim HJ, Smith JS, Sciubba DM, Park P, Mummaneni PV; International Spine Study Group (ISSG). Patient outcomes after circumferential minimally invasive surgery compared with those of open correction for adult spinal deformity: initial analysis of prospectively collected data. J Neurosurg Spine. 2021 Sep 24:1-12. doi: 10.3171/2021.3.SPINE201825. Online ahead of print.PMID: 34560634
- Tempel ZJ, Hlubek RJ, Kachmann MC, Body A, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS, Buchholz AL, Krueger BM. Novel Distributed Loading Technique Using Multimaterial, Long-Segment Spinal Constructs to Prevent Proximal Junctional Pathology in Adult Spinal Deformity Correction-Operative Technique and Radiographic Findings. World Neurosurg. 2021 Nov;155:e264-e270. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2021.08.052. Epub 2021 Aug 18.PMID: 34418605
- Alan N, Donohue J, Ozpinar A, Agarwal N, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Hamilton DK. Load-Sharing Classification Score as Supplemental Grading System in the Decision-Making Process for Patients With Thoracolumbar Injury Classification and Severity 4. Neurosurgery. 2021 Aug 16;89(3):428-434. doi: 10.1093/neuros/nyab179.PMID: 34038938
- Wewel JT, Ozpinar A, Walker CT, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS, Uribe JS. Safety of lateral access to the concave side for adult spinal deformity. J Neurosurg Spine. 2021 May 14:1-5. doi: 10.3171/2020.10.SPINE191270. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33990079
- Chen SR, LeVasseur CM, Pitcairn S, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Shaw JD, Donaldson WF, Lee JY, Anderst W. Surgery-related Factors Do Not Affect Short-term Adjacent Segment Kinematics After Anterior Cervical Arthrodesis. J.Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2021 Dec 1;46(23):1630-1636. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000004080.PMID: 33907081
- Mummaneni PV, Hussain I, Shaffrey CI, Eastlack RK, Mundis GM, Uribe JS, Fessler RG, Park P, Robinson L, Rivera J, Chou D, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Nunley PD, Wang MY, Marca F, Than KD, Fu KM; International Spine Study Group. The minimally invasive interbody selection algorithm for spinal deformity. J Neurosurg Spine. 2021 Mar 12:1- 8. doi: 10.3171/2020.9.SPINE20230. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33711811
- Ghogawala Z, Terrin N, Dunbar MR, Breeze JL, Freund KM, Kanter AS, Mummaneni PV, Bisson EF, Barker FG 2nd, Schwartz JS, Harrop JS, Magge SN, Heary RF, Fehlings MG, Albert TJ, Arnold PM, Riew KD, Steinmetz MP, Wang MC, Whitmore RG, Heller JG, Benzel EC. Effect of Ventral vs Dorsal Spinal Surgery on Patient-Reported Physical Functioning in Patients With Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2021 Mar 9;325(10):942-951. doi: 10.1001/jama.2021.1233.PMID: 33687463
- Than KD, Mehta VA, Le V, Moss JR, Park P, Uribe JS, Eastlack RK, Chou D, Fu KM, Wang MY, Anand N, Passias PG, Shaffrey CI, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS, Nunley P, Mundis GM, Fessler RG, Mummaneni PV. Role of obesity in less radiographic correction and worse health-related quality-of-life outcomes following minimally invasive deformity surgery. J Neurosurg Spine. 2022 Feb 18:1-10. doi: 10.3171/2021.12.SPINE21703.
- Guha D, Mushlin HM, Muthiah N, Vodovotz LL, Agarwal N, Alan N, Hamilton DK, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS. CT Hounsfield Units as a predictor of reoperation and graft subsidence following standalone and multi-level lateral lumbar interbody fusion. World Neurosurg. 2022 Feb 8:S1878-8750(22)00156-5. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2022.02.015. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35149250
Dr. Kanter has authored numerous publications, books and book chapters. Below is a full list.
Regional Publications
- Kanter AS. Intradural minimally invasive spine techniques play emerging role for patients. University of Pittsburgh Neurosurgery News (9)2, 1, Spring 2008.
- Kanter AS. Minimally invasive lateral access spine surgery gets patients back on their feet. University of Pittsburgh Neurosurgery News (9)3, 1-6, Summer 2008.
- Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Spiro RM. Artificial disc technology preserves motion and function in the cervical spine. University of Pittsburgh Neurosurgery News (9)3, 5, Summer 2008.
- Tormenti MJ, Gerszten PC, Kanter AS. Expanding role for MIS surgery for cancer patients. University of Pittsburgh Neurosurgery News (9)3, 6, Summer 2008.
- Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO. Minimally invasive portals expand surgical innovation in spine trauma surgery. University of Pittsburgh Neurosurgery News (10)1, Winter 2009.
- Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO. Minimally invasive advancements modernize adult scoliosis surgery. University of Pittsburgh Neurosurgery News, Fall 2010.
- Maserati MB, Tormenti MJ, Kanter AS. Extreme lateral interbody fusion: the forefront of minimally invasive spine surgery. University of Pittsburgh Neurosurgery News, Fall 2010.
- Kanter AS, Gerszten PC. Spine services division offers cutting edge surgical care; high patient satisfaction. University of Pittsburgh Neurosurgery News, Summer 2013.
- Kanter AS. An evolutionary perspective on modern spine care. University of Pittsburgh Neurosurgery News (15)3: 1, Summer 2014.
- Tempel ZJ, Okonkwo DO, Kanter AS. Spinopelvic alignment can accurately predict future surgical needs following spinal fusion. University of Pittsburgh Neurosurgery News (15)3: 4, Summer 2014.
- Wappler A, Kanter AS. UPMC Clinical Researchers Tackle Cervical Spondylitic Myelopathy. University of Pittsburgh Neurosurgery News (16)3, Summer 2015.
- Mummaneni PV, Kanter AS, Wang MY, Haid RW. Cervical Spine Surgery: Current Trends and Challenges. Quality Medical Publishing, St. Louis, 2013.
- Mummaneni PV, Park P, Crawford C, Kanter, AS, Glassman S. Spinal Deformity: A Case-Based Approach to Managing and Avoiding Complications. Springer, Switzerland, 2018.
Book Chapters
- Shaffrey ME, Kanter AS. Medical Complications of spinal surgery, In Benzel EC (2nd ed), Spine Surgery: Techniques, Complication Avoidance and Management. New York, Churchill Livingstone, pp. 1460-1470, 2004.
- Kanter AS, Sansur CA, Jane JA Jr, Laws ER Jr. Rathke’s Cleft Cysts. In Sheehan JP, Jane JA Jr, Laws ER (eds.), Frontiers of Hormone Research: Pituitary Surgery – A Modern Approach. Springer, New York: 34, pp. 127-157, 2006.
- Dumont AS, Kanter AS, Jane JA Jr, Laws ER Jr. Extended Transsphenoidal Approach. In Sheehan JP, Jane JA Jr, Laws ER (eds.), Frontiers of Hormone Research: Pituitary Surgery – A Modern Approach. Springer, New York: 34, pp. 29-45, 2006. Cited 100.
- Tormenti MJ, Madhok R, Kanter AS. Transoral Odontoidectomy. In Jandial R, McCormicj PC, Black PM (eds.), Core Techniques in Operative Neurosurgery. Elsevier, Philadelphia: 57, pp. 403-408, 2011.
- Tormenti MJ, Monaco EA, Kanter AS. Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion. In Jandial R, McCormicj PC, Black PM (eds.), Core Techniques in Operative Neurosurgery. Elsevier, Philadelphia: 73, pp. 500-504, 2011.
- Monaco EA, Tormenti MJ, Kanter AS. In Jandial R, McCormick PC, Black PM (eds.), Core Techniques in Operative Neurosurgery. Elsevier, Philadelphia: 74, pp. 505-509, 2011.
- Kanter AS, Daly T, Mummaneni PV. Ch. 304 : Transforaminal, Posterior, and Anterior Lumbar Interbody fusion Techniques and Instrumentation. In Winn: Youmans Neurological Surgery, 6th Edition. Elsevier, Philadelphia: 2011.
- Maserati M, Shaffrey CI, Kanter AS. High grade Spondylolisthesis: Reduction and Fusion Vs. In-Situ Fusion. In Jandial R, Garfin SR. Best Evidence for Spine Surgery: 20 Cardinal Cases, Elsevier, Philadelphia: pp. 240-252, 2012.
- Kanter AS, Madhok R. Prestige ST: Techniques and Outcomes. In Mummaneni PV, Kanter AS*, Wang MY, Haid RW. Cervical Spine Surgery: Current Trends and Challenges. Quality Medical Publishing, St. Louis: pp. 143-152, 2014.
- Gardner PA, Kassam AB, Spiro OM, Kanter AS, Prevedello DM, Carrau RL, Snyderman CH. Endoscopic Endonasal Approach to the Odontoid. In Mummaneni PV, Kanter AS*, Wang MY, Haid RW. Cervical Spine Surgery: Current Trends and Challenges. Quality Medical Publishing, St. Louis: pp. 461-478, 2014.
- Tormenti MJ, Lu DC, Lawton MT, Kanter AS. Anterior and Lateral Approaches to the Vertebral Artery and Nerve Root. In Mummaneni PV, Kanter AS*, Wang MY, Haid RW. Cervical Spine Surgery: Current Trends and Challenges. Quality Medical Publishing, St. Louis: pp. 365-382, 2014.
- Deutsch H, Kanter AS, Tormenti MJ. History and Evolution. In Mummaneni PV, Kanter AS*, Wang MY, Haid RW. Cervical Spine Surgery: Current Trends and Challenges. Quality Medical Publishing, St. Louis: pp. 3-10, 2014.
- Gandhoke G, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO. Lumbar Deformity (Vascular) Surgery Complication. In Mummaneni PV, Park P, Crawford CH, Kanter AS*, Glassman SD. Spinal Deformity: A Case Based Approach to Managing and Avoiding Complications. Springer International Publishing Group, Switzerland: Ch 19, 2018.
- Tavanaiepour K, Kanter AS. Lumbar Deformity MIS Lateral (Visceral) Surgery Complication. In Mummaneni PV, Park P, Crawford CH, Kanter AS*, Glassman SD. Spinal Deformity: A Case Based Approach to Managing and Avoiding Complications. Springer International Publishing Group, Switzerland: Ch 26. 2018.
- Joseph J, Kanter AS. Revision: Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion. In Heary RF. Revision Lumbar Sine Surgery. Elsevier, Philadephia: Ch 14, pp:113-119, 2021.
Recognition is an honor and builds trust among patients and their families, but what’s truly important to Dr. Kanter is how his experience and ongoing education and research allows him to provide the highest level of care for his patients.
Below is a complete list of awards and recognition Dr. Kanter has received:
- AANS/CNS: Division of Spine & Peripheral Nerves, Chair 2022-2023
- Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeons, Chair 2021-2022
- International Society for Advancement of Spine Surgery, Scientific Program Director 2021-2022
- Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeons, Executive Board Member 2019-2021
- UPMC Aces Award Recipient for Commitment & Excellence in Service 2019
- Society of Lateral Access Surgeons, North American Executive Board Director 2018-2020
- Top 3 Neurosurgeons in Pittsburgh, Three Best Rated 2020
- Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeons, Strategic Leadership: Membership Chair 2017-2018
- Midwest Spine Symposium, Keynote Speaker September 2017
- Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeons, Annual Meeting Scientific Program Co-Chair 2016-2017
- AANS/CNS: Division of Spine & Peripheral Nerves, Secretary 2017-2020
- AANS/CNS Spine Summit Annual Meeting Chair 2016-2017
- UVM College of Medicine, Early Achievement Award 2016
- SOLAS Young Investigator Award, Mentor March 2016
- Scientific Program Chair, AANS/CNS: Division of Spine & Peripheral Nerves 2015-2016
- Editorial Board, Peer Reviewer, International Journal of Spine Surgery January 2015 – present
- Top 10 Doctor, Vitals Neurosurgical Specialists 2014-2021
- Pittsburgh’s Best Doctors, Pittsburgh Magazine 2012-2021
- Vitals On-Time Recognition Award 2015-2021
- Patients’ Choice Award , The American Registry 2012-2021
- Most Compassionate Doctor Award 2012-2021
- Guest of Honor, Brazilian Spine Congress Annual Meeting March 2012
- Fellowships Committee Chair, AANS/CNS: Division of Spine & Peripheral Nerves 2014-2015
- Research & Awards Committee Chair, AANS/CNS: Division of Spine & Peripheral Nerves 2011-2013
- Exhibits Committee, AANS/CNS Spine Section March 2011 – March 2012
- Best Doctors in America 2009-2014
- Advisory Editor, The Spine Journal November 2009 – present
- Jurgen Harms Guest Neurosurgeon, Karlsbad, Germany November 2009
- Editorial Board, SpineLine September 2009 – present
- Executive Committee: Research & Awards, AANS/CNS Spine Section February 2009, 2010
- Scientific Program Committee, AANS/CNS Joint Section February 2009 – 2011
- Editorial Board, The Physician and Sports Medicine February 2009 – present
- Ad hoc Editor, Neurosurgical Focus: Contemporary Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery August 2008
- American Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting Poster Award, 2nd place April 2006
- University of Vermont College of Medicine Freeman Scholar May 2001
- New England Neurosurgical Society Research Award co-recipient June 2000
- Alpha Epsilon Lambda Graduate Honor Society, Boston University School of Medicine May 1996
- Cum Laude Honors Graduate, University of Massachusetts: Amherst May 1993
- Dean’s Honors, University of Massachusetts: Amherst Sept. 1991 – May 1993
- D.W. Fields Scholar, Brockton, MA May 1989
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