Hoag Faith Community Nursing Program

Established in 1987, Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian has supported an expansive and dynamic Faith Community Nurse Program throughout Orange County and beyond. The spiritually based wellness program is open to all faith traditions and is administered by your Faith Community Nurse (FCN). The mission of the program is to provide excellence in Whole Person Care to meet the health needs of those being served, whether in a traditional or community-based setting. Each FCN develops educational programs and interventions specific to the unique needs of your members as they seek a health affirming balance between the mind, body and spirit. Hoag FCN is here to support you. 

What is Faith Community Nursing?

Faith Community Nursing is a unique and rewarding nursing specialty that supports the belief that spiritual health is central to a person’s well-being and influences both mental and physical health.  Faith Community Nursing incorporates the scientific practice of nursing with public health initiatives and spiritual support to best meet the needs of those they serve.    

Why Hoag Faith Community Nursing?

To promote spiritual well-being in health care, the Hoag Faith Community Nursing Program offers covenanted partnerships to all faith traditions and community-based organizations throughout Orange County. Hoag Faith Community Nursing supports your nurse in educating and empowering your congregations in becoming healthier communities. The Hoag program provides your Registered Nurse with leadership, educational meetings, courses and conferences, resource materials, equipment, AED/CPR training, and networking support to aid in the development of successful programs for your organizations and congregations. 

What Can a Faith Community Nurse Offer?

Roles of a Faith Community Nurse are varied, include a broad range of options and will be developed based on the needs of your faith community.  The FCN plays a critical role in providing preventive health services such as flu vaccination clinics, blood pressure screening, health care information and support. The FCN may serve in your congregation, a community setting, the hospital or the individual’s home – again, the options are many. 

Roles of the FCN with a few examples of possible interventions:

  • Integrates Faith and Health – Offers Prayer, Presence & Intentional Listening
  • Personal Health Counselor – Answers Specific Disease or Medication Questions
  • Health Advocate – Assists with Patient Navigation & Transitional Care
  • Health Educator – Organizes Group Preventive Education Classes
  • Community Resources Liaison – Aids in Identifying & Accessing Needed Services
  • Develops Support Groups – Grief, Caregiving, Mental Health
  • Trains Volunteers – Assist at Health Fairs, Visitations, Support Groups

The Hoag Faith Community Nursing Program is staffed by bilingual Spanish, Registered Nurses and administrative leaders. For further information of how Hoag can help you help your community, please contact Susan Johnson, RN-BC, MPH at 949-764-6594, Susan.Johnson2@hoag.org or Kellie Gonzalez at Kellie.Gonzalez@hoag.org. Thank you.