Contact the Mary & Dick Allen Diabetes Center

    • If this is a medical emergency, call 911 immediately. If you have a medical question or are experiencing symptoms, please visit your nearest Urgent Care or Emergency Department. You are prohibited from listing health information, such as symptoms or medical history, as we cannot provide diagnosis or treatment by email. For your security, please do not use this form to share personal information, health information, social security numbers or credit card numbers. Instead, we recommend call your clinic and/or doctor directly. Information collected above may be used to schedule an appointment or to contact you.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    The Mary & Dick Allen Diabetes Center is located at Hoag Health Center - Newport Beach and Hoag Health Center - Irvine (Woodbridge). These facilities have classrooms with state of the art education technology and private consultation rooms for individual patient appointments.

    Phone: 949-764-8065

    Mary & Dick Allen Diabetes Center - Newport Beach
    520 Superior Ave., Suite 150
    Newport Beach, CA 92663
    Mary & Dick Allen Diabetes Center - Irvine
    4870 Barranca Pkwy., Suite 110
    Irvine, CA 92604

    The Allen Diabetes Center offers a variety of programs and services to help manage your diabetes, such as:

    • Diabetes Education and Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT)
    • Advanced Diabetes Education
    • Weight Management / Diabetes Prevention
    • Gestational Diabetes (Sweet Success)
    • Registered Dietitian Consultation
    • Endocrinology Consultation

    Please have your physician complete the referral form to be eligible to participate in the above services.