Diagnostic Services Newport Beach

Hoag Breast Center Newport Beach

1 Hoag Drive
Newport Beach, CA 92663


Now Scheduling Telehealth Appointments

In an effort to provide more flexible care options at home, Hoag has launched the ability to schedule appointments via phone or video. When you call your physician’s office, let them know you’d like to schedule a telehealth appointment.

Please note: Not all appointments can be done virtually. Your physician’s office will let you know what appointments can be done virtually, and what appointments are necessary to be done in person. Read about the additional steps Hoag is taking to keep patients safe during COVID-19.

Hoag Breast Center Newport Beach, the first and only breast center in Orange County to be designated as a Certified Quality Breast Center of Excellence™, is located on the first floor of the Sue and Bill Gross Women’s Pavilion at the main campus of Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach. Please check into Registration in the main lobby prior to coming to the Breast Center.

For your convenience, this location offers a variety of services for breast cancer diagnosis as well as Nurse Navigators who can help you each step of the way. Hoag Breast Center Newport Beach is an American College of Radiology Breast Imaging Center of Excellence.

Diagnostic Services

For more information about the services available at Hoag Breast Center Newport Beach please call 949-764-5780.