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3 Ways to Make Your New Year’s Resolution Stick

You’ve made a New Year’s resolution? Good for you! Don’t be deterred by the fact that only 19% of people stick to their resolutions. Those high failure rates can’t affect you!


Right! The key to sticking with your New Year’s resolutions is planning, accountability and setting realistic goals. You can lose weight. You can kick your smoking habit. You can climb Mt. Baldy or hike through Peru. So long as you remember three simple rules – and talk to your doctor about your plans.

Setting your appointment for your annual physical is an opportunity to get an update on your overall health. Your primary care physician should be an integral part in addressing concerns, answering questions and even in setting goals.

Book an appointment for your annual physical today at with any of our primary care physicians.

In the meantime, here are a few tips that can help you see your resolutions through the next ball drop and beyond.

Be Realistic. If you want to run the LA Marathon in March, begin training today. If you can’t begin today, set a more achievable goal. New Year’s resolutions that succeed are those that are realistic to achieve. That’s not to say you can’t shoot for the moon, just be sure you have the fuel to get there. Otherwise, there is nothing wrong with shooting for orbit this year and save the moon for when you’re ready.

Be Ready. If you want to make a change, you’re likely going to have to change your behavior. To lose weight, you’ll need to exercise more and watch what you eat. To do those things, you’ll need to make a plan. Goals have to be priorities, or else they are just dreams. Make a schedule that incorporates exercise into your week. Create a weekly menu that dictates your shopping list, and stick to it. By planning ahead, you’re more likely to achieve your goals.

Be Accountable. Set benchmarks for yourself and share them with a friend, a trainer and your doctor. Establishing ‘mile markers’ that you share with your physician can help keep you accountable to your goals. It is also helpful to track your progress. Seeing how far you’ve come can encourage you to keep going!”


Ready to share your resolution with your physician today? Appointments available at