It’s time for the results of the many hours of needlework by members of the Susi Q NeedleArts Guild to warm others.
The group, which meets monthly to knit and crochet at the Laguna Beach Community & Susi Q Center, held its annual holiday gift wrapping party Friday.
The donated items, including scarves, shawls, hats and gloves, will go to the Friendship Shelter, Glennwood House for adults with developmental disabilities, Hoag Hospital’s newborn nursery and other groups.
“It lets them know we are thinking of them,” said Jean Arovas, an organizer along with Doña Harman and Lisa Triebwasser.
The group has been meeting for about three years, and the idea to donate creations at year’s end, when it’s cooler outside, just made sense, Harman said.
“In mid-August, no one wants to wear” scarves, hats or shawls, Harman said.
Yves Neuman has knitted for much of her life and is delighted to give away her work.
“In my family every one has enough scarves and hats,” said Neuman, 68. “I’m happy to knit so someone else can use it.
Neuman, who is married with children and grandchildren, said the group provides camaraderie.
“I always expected when I had kids I would make them sweaters, but then I was so busy [taking care of them],” Neuman said. “My grandkids live in the tropics, so the last thing they want is a warm sweater.”
The NeedleArts Guild meets the last Friday of every month from 1 to 3:30 p.m. at the Susi Q Center, 380 Third St.
No experience is necessary and yarn is provided, Harman said.
“We will teach anyone to knit or crochet,” Harman said. “You just have to be willing to donate your first item to charity.”