An Innovative Program to Improve the Health of Your Company
You’ve heard the saying “Treat your body like a temple.” Since we put a price tag on just about everything in the world we live in, we must acknowledge that our body is without a doubt the most valuable asset we have. All commodities and monetary investments can diminish in front of our eyes, leaving us with nothing but our most basic possession: our body and our mind.
Being our biggest asset, our body is our biggest investment. It requires the utmost attention, maintenance, and care.
Modern day executives are the trendsetters, the pulse of society, and the embodiment of vitality. They are the people exuding prosperity and instilling confidence in our country’s future. Organizations, companies, and consumers alike rely on the physical and mental stamina of professionals. Executives are the pillar of any business delivering essential services and leadership.
In response to the growing need to protect society’s most valued assets, Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian announced the launch of an innovative executive health program: Hoag Executive Health. Orange County’s healthcare leader presents a comprehensive physical exam delivered in a state-of-the-art facility that addresses the health and fitness of the mind and the body, all in one personalized visit complete with a “Wellness Report” filled with actionable results intended to help provide a roadmap for achieving and/or maintaining and individual’s health.
Today we invite you to ask yourself a few simple questions: How can you confidently protect your business? What is the cost to your business if a key executive is unable to perform at his or her peak performance level? Are there key individuals within your organization at risk for cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, memory loss, long term pain, or chronic health conditions?
It is our goal to take your company into a new era, a time in which personalized health care is a priority. What sets this program apart from others is that it addresses the health of the body and mind of those who take on many of society’s biggest responsibilities: executives.
This month, we will introduce you to the workings of Hoag Executive Health and how you or your executive team can benefit from it. We will share information about the comprehensive annual exam that helps break down anxieties associated with physicals and turn an in-depth check-up into a pleasant and luxurious experience. We’ll also connect you with the thought leaders who have developed this exemplary service. We want to provide you with information to help you protect your most valuable resources.
Over the next year, we will be presenting health-related topics that are vital to you and your organization and helping you understand the correlation between wellness, happiness, and productivity. Our team of top-level specialists is knowledgeable in the most progressive approaches to health. We take pride in benchmarking evidence-based best practices and making them accessible to the people our society relies on.
We cannot take our body for granted. Stay tuned for more executive health news.
Written by Leeann Garms