Screening & Diagnostics


If you have any symptoms or risk factors of mitral valve disease, it’s important to see a cardiologist who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of heart valve disorders, such as the experts at Nancy and Bill Heart Valve Center.


Diagnosing Valve Disease

At Hoag, our multidisciplinary team of cardiovascular experts specializes in valve disease with the latest technologies available to accurately diagnose and treat all types of heart valve disorders. The first of its kind in Orange County, Hoag Heart Valve Center​ enables physicians and clinicians to use ground-breaking technology within a comfortable patient-centered environment to diagnose the full spectrum of valve disorders and other cardiac problems.


Some of the highly advanced tests at Hoag Heart Valve Center​ used to confirm heart valve disease include:

State-of-the-art Echocardiography, including 3D technology – Echocardiography uses high frequency sound waves, called ultrasound, to create detailed images of your heart’s size, structure and motion in order to determine if there is heart muscle or valve disease. There are several types of echocardiography that may be utilized to confirm valve disease and determine the best course of treatment. At Hoag, real-time 3D echocardiography is utilized to obtain the most accurate images of the function and structure of the heart in motion. This leading-edge technology enables physicians to detect even the slightest heart valve abnormalities, as well as other cardiovascular conditions.

Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TEE) – A transesophageal echo test is a type of echo test that uses high-frequency sound waves(ultrasound) to take detailed pictures of the heart and the arteries that lead to and from it. Unlike a standard echocardiogram, the echo transducer that produces the sound waves for TEE is guided down the throat into the esophagus. Because the esophagus is so close to the upper chambers of the heart, this position provides a close look at the heart’s valves and chambers, without interference from the ribs or lungs. TEE is often used when the results from standard echo tests are not sufficient, or to gain a closer look at the heart.

Cardiac Catheterization – Cardiac catheterization (also called coronary angiogram) is an invasive imaging procedure that allows physicians to determine how well your heart is functioning. During the test, a catheter(inserted in the arm or leg) is guided to the heart, contrast dye is injected and x-ray videos of the coronary arteries, heart chambers, and heart valves are taken to determine if valve disease or other signs of cardiovascular disease are present.


Hoag’s Top Rated Valvular Heart Disease Program

Hoag Heart Valve Center​ is one of a handful of clinics nationwide dedicated to state-of-the-art screening, diagnosis and treatment of valvular heart disease. Learn more about Hoag’s top rated valvular heart disease program:

Hoag’s world-renowned valvular heart disease program continues to lead the way in advanced cardiac care. For more information, call us at 949-764-8258.